WDC for Geophysics, Beijing(中国地球物理学科中心)

Author-submitted data information

ID 419
Title FPI observations from July 2019 to November 2021, and multi-instrument joint observations during thermospheric temperature nighttime enhancement events at Mohe
Creator Wenbo Li
Subject FPI, meteor radar, ionosonde, all-sky airglow imager
Publisher Xiukuan Zhao
Description This dataset consists of thermospheric winds, temperatures and 630.0 nm airglow intensity obtained by Mohe FPI from the 630.0 nm airglow; The winds form 70 km to 110 km obtained by meteor radar; hmF2 and foF2 obtained by ionosonde; The image of 630.0 nm airglow intensity obtained by all-sky airglow imager. The Mohe FPI, meteor radar and ionosonde data are saved as the .mat format. The all-sky airglow imager data are saved as the .png format.
Contributor Yiding Chen, Guozhu Li, Lianhuan Hu
Date FPI (Jul. 2019 – Nov. 2021); meteor radar (20 Dec. 2019 - 1 Jan. 2020; 10-22 Dec. 2020; 7-19 Jan. 2021); ionosonde and all-sky airglow imager (26, 28 Dec. 2019; 12, 13 Dec. 2020; 8, 13, 14 Jan. 2021)
Type Data files contain following parameters.
FPI data (MOHE_FPI.mat):
1. year (parameter name ‘MOHE_Year’);
2. month (parameter name ‘MOHE_Month’);
3. day (parameter name ‘MOHE_Day’);
4. universal time (parameter name ‘MOHE_UT’, in units of hour);
5. the observation direction (parameter name ‘MOHE_Directions’);
6. thermospheric winds (parameter name ‘MOHE_Wind’, in units of m/s);
7. deviation of thermospheric winds (parameter name ‘MOHE_Wind_sigma’, in units of m/s);
8. quality flag of thermospheric winds (parameter name ‘MOHE_Wind_flag’, 0 is good, 1 is bad);
9. thermospheric temperatures (parameter name ‘MOHE_Temp’, in units of K);
10. deviation of thermospheric temperatures (parameter name ‘MOHE_Temp_sigma’, in units of K);
11. quality flag of thermospheric temperatures (parameter name ‘MOHE_Temp_flag’, 0 is good, 1 is bad);
12. 630.0 nm airglow intensity (parameter name ‘MOHE_SkyI’);
13. deviation of 630.0 nm airglow intensity (parameter name ‘MOHE_SkyI_sigma’);
14. weather condition indicator (parameter name ‘MOHE_Clouds’);
Meteor radar data (MOHE_MeteorRadar.mat):
1. date (parameter name ‘Date’);
2. universal time (parameter name ‘Ut’, in units of hour);
3. height list (parameter name ‘Height’, in units of km);
4. meridional winds (parameter name ‘Meridional’, in units of m/s);
5. zonal winds (parameter name ‘Zonal’, in units of m/s);
Ionosonde data (MOHE_Ionosonde.mat):
1. year (parameter name ‘year’);
2. day of year (parameter name ‘doy’);
3. universal time (parameter name ‘ut’, in units of hour);
4. the critical frequency of the ionospheric F2 layer (parameter name ‘foF2’, in units of MHz);
5. the peak height of the ionospheric F2 layer (parameter name ‘hmF2’, in units of km)
All-sky airglow imager data (folder of MOHE_AirglowImager):
1. Image of 630.0 nm airglow intensity (MOHE_yyyymmdd_hhmmss_wave.PNG)
Format *.mat and *.png, available in MATLAB
URL http://www.geophys.ac.cn/ArticleData/20220618Mohe.zip
DOI 10.12197/2022GA020
Language eng
Rights Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences